Shipping & Delivery

Impel Crest Shipping & Delivery

Supporting Local Communities

At Impel Crest, we’re committed to supporting local communities. That’s why we’ve partnered with PUDO by Courier Guy for all our deliveries.

Delivery with PUDO

  • Simple and Convenient: Pick up your order at a nearby PUDO location at your convenience.
  • Widespread Network: Find a PUDO location close to you using the [PUDO locator link].
  • Cost-Effective: PUDO delivery offers competitive rates.

How PUDO Delivery Works:

  1. Place Your Order: Choose PUDO as your delivery option during checkout.
  2. Select Your Location: Pick a convenient PUDO location near you.
  3. We Process Your Order: We’ll carefully pack your order and prepare it for delivery.
  4. Delivery Notification: You’ll receive a notification once your order arrives at the PUDO location.
  5. Pick Up Your Order: You’ll need your locker code to access your PUDO locker when collecting your order.

Don’t Want to Use PUDO?

If you prefer a different delivery option, please contact us at +27 82 924 5701 or and we’ll do our best to accommodate your request.

Delivery Fees:

We offer competitive delivery fees based on your order value and distance from the nearest Impel Crest store. For full details, please refer to our checkout process.

Delivery Timeframes:

We strive to deliver your order as quickly as possible. However, delivery times may vary depending on your location and order processing time.

Delivery Exclusions:

  • We currently do not deliver outside of South Africa.
  • We cannot deliver to PO Boxes.
  • We deliver Monday to Friday during business hours (9:00 AM to 4:30 PM).
  • We do not deliver on Saturdays, Sundays, or public holidays.

Order Tracking:

Once your order is shipped, you’ll receive a notification with tracking information. This allows you to track your order’s progress and estimated delivery date.

Delivery Confirmation:

Upon delivery, you’ll be required to sign a proof of delivery document. Please check your order to ensure it matches your online purchase.

Missed Deliveries:

If you miss a delivery attempt, PUDO will hold your order for a specific timeframe (as outlined by PUDO). Please contact PUDO directly to arrange redelivery or collection.

We’re Here to Help!

If you have any questions about our delivery options or process, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re happy to help!